Buffer Tube and Kits

Buffer Tube and Kits 
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AR-15 Complete Compact Buffer Tube 3.5'' | End Plate Option

Features:Material: 7075-T6 AluminumFinish: CERAKOTE FDELength: 3.5” estimate depending on the lower...

AR-15 Complete Compact Buffer Tube 3.5'' Cerakote - ZOMBIE GREEN

Features:Material: 7075-T6 AluminumFinish: Cerakote ZOMBIE GREEN  Length: 3.5” estimate de..

AR-15 Complete Compact Buffer Tube 3.5'' Cerakote -Lemon Yellow

Features:Material: 7075-T6 AluminumFinish: Cerakote Lemon Yellow Length: 3.5” estimate dependin..

CERAKOTE BURNT BRONZE | AR-15 Complete Compact Buffer Tube 3.5''| End Plate Option

Features:Material: 7075-T6 AluminumFinish: CERAKOTE BURNT BRONZELength: 3.5” estimate depending on t..

CERAKOTE FDE | AR-15 Complete Compact Buffer Tube 3.5''| End Plate Option

Features:Material: 7075-T6 AluminumFinish: CERAKOTE FDELength: 3.5” estimate depending on the lower...

CERAKOTE OD GREEN | AR-15 Complete Compact Buffer Tube 3.5''| End Plate Option

Features:Material: 7075-T6 AluminumFinish: CERAKOTE OD GREENLength: 3.5” estimate depending on the l..

CERAKOTE ORANGE | AR-15 Complete Compact Buffer Tube 3.5''| End Plate Option

Features:Material: 7075-T6 AluminumFinish: CERAKOTE ORANGELength: 3.5” estimate depending on the low..

CERAKOTE PINK | AR-15 Complete Compact Buffer Tube 3.5''| End Plate Option

Features:Material: 7075-T6 AluminumFinish: CERAKOTE PINKLength: 3.5” estimate depending on the lower..

CERAKOTE RED | AR-15 Complete Compact Buffer Tube 3.5''| End Plate Option

Features:Material: 7075-T6 AluminumFinish: CERAKOTE REDLength: 3.5” estimate depending on the lower...

CERAKOTE ROBINS EGG | AR-15 Complete Compact Buffer Tube 3.5''| End Plate Option

Features:Material: 7075-T6 AluminumFinish: CERAKOTE ROBINS EGGLength: 3.5” estimate depending on the..

CERAKOTE WHITE | AR-15 Complete Compact Buffer Tube 3.5''| End Plate Option

Features:Material: 7075-T6 AluminumFinish: CERAKOTE WHITELength: 3.5” estimate depending on the lowe..

CERAKOTE BRIGHT WHITE | AR-15 Complete Compact Buffer Tube 3.5''-V2| BLACK CAP

Features:Material: 7075-T6 AluminumFinish: CERAKOTE BIGHT WHITELength: 3.5” estimate depending on th..

CERAKOTE BURNT BRONZE | AR-15 Complete Compact Buffer Tube 3.5''-V2| BLACK CAP

Features:Material: 7075-T6 AluminumFinish: CERAKOTE BURNT BRONZELength: 3.5” estimate depending on t..

CERAKOTE FLAT DARK EARTH | AR-15 Complete Compact Buffer Tube 3.5''-V2| BLACK CAP

Features:Material: 7075-T6 AluminumFinish: CERAKOTE FLAT DARK EARTHLength: 3.5” estimate depending o..

CERAKOTE HUNTER ORANGE| AR-15 Complete Compact Buffer Tube 3.5''-V2| BLACK CAP

Features:Material: 7075-T6 AluminumFinish: CERAKOTE HUNTER ORANGELength: 3.5” estimate depending on ..

CERAKOTE LEMON ZEST | AR-15 Complete Compact Buffer Tube 3.5''-V2| BLACK CAP

Features:Material: 7075-T6 AluminumFinish: CERAKOTE LEMON ZESTLength: 3.5” estimate depending on the..

CERAKOTE OD GREEN | AR-15 Complete Compact Buffer Tube 3.5''-V2| BLACK CAP

Features:Material: 7075-T6 AluminumFinish: CERAKOTE OD GREEN Length: 3.5” estimate depending on..

CERAKOTE PINK | AR-15 Complete Compact Buffer Tube 3.5''-V2| BLACK CAP

Features:Material: 7075-T6 AluminumFinish: CERAKOTE PINKLength: 3.5” estimate depending on the lower..

CERAKOTE RED | AR-15 Complete Compact Buffer Tube 3.5''-V2| BLACK CAP

Features:Material: 7075-T6 AluminumFinish: CERAKOTE REDLength: 3.5” estimate depending on the lower...

CERAKOTE ROBINS EGG | AR-15 Complete Compact Buffer Tube 3.5''-V2| BLACK CAP

Features:Material: 7075-T6 AluminumFinish: CERAKOTE ROBINS EGGLength: 3.5” estimate depending on the..

CERAKOTE ZOMBIE GREEN | AR-15 Complete Compact Buffer Tube 3.5''-V2| BLACK CAP

Features:Material: 7075-T6 AluminumFinish: CERAKOTE ZOMBIE GREENLength: 3.5” estimate depending on t..

SB15 Pistol Buffer Tube -BLACK

This fixed position Mil-Spec Pistol buffer tube/receiver extension is designed to be compatible with..

SB15 Pistol Buffer Tube -TAN

This fixed position Mil-Spec Pistol buffer tube/receiver extension is designed to be compatible with..

CERAKOTE CAMO| AR-15 Custom Made Pistol Buffer Tube| Black and Bright White

Features:T6-6061 aluminumStays in Place with its Anti-Rotation and Anti Thrust DesignCompatible: SHO..

CERAKOTE CAMO| AR-15 Custom Made Pistol Buffer Tube| Black and Hunter Orange

Features:T6-6061 aluminumStays in Place with its Anti-Rotation and Anti Thrust DesignCompatible: SHO..

CERAKOTE CAMO| AR-15 Custom Made Pistol Buffer Tube| Black and Pink

Features:T6-6061 aluminumStays in Place with its Anti-Rotation and Anti Thrust DesignCompatible: SHO..

CERAKOTE CAMO| AR-15 Custom Made Pistol Buffer Tube| Black and Red

Features:T6-6061 aluminumStays in Place with its Anti-Rotation and Anti Thrust DesignCompatible: SHO..

CERAKOTE CAMO| AR-15 Custom Made Pistol Buffer Tube| Black and Robins Egg

Features:T6-6061 aluminumStays in Place with its Anti-Rotation and Anti Thrust DesignCompatible: SHO..

CERAKOTE CAMO| AR-15 Custom Made Pistol Buffer Tube| Flat Dark Earth and Burnt Bronze

Features:T6-6061 aluminumStays in Place with its Anti-Rotation and Anti Thrust DesignCompatible: SHO..

AR-15 Custom Made Pistol Buffer Tube

Features:T6-6061 aluminumMatte Black finishStays in Place with its Anti-Rotation and Anti Thrust Des..

AR-15 Custom Made Pistol Buffer Tube Cerakote Burnt Bronze

Features:T6-6061 aluminumStays in Place with its Anti-Rotation and Anti Thrust DesignCompatible: SHO..

AR-15 Custom Made Pistol Buffer Tube Cerakote FDE

Features:T6-6061 aluminumStays in Place with its Anti-Rotation and Anti Thrust DesignCompatible: SHO..

AR-15 Custom Made Pistol Buffer Tube Cerakote Lemon Zest

Features:T6-6061 aluminumStays in Place with its Anti-Rotation and Anti Thrust DesignCompatible: SHO..

AR-15 Custom Made Pistol Buffer Tube Cerakote OD Green

Features:T6-6061 aluminumStays in Place with its Anti-Rotation and Anti Thrust DesignCompatible: SHO..

AR-15 Custom Made Pistol Buffer Tube Cerakote Orange

Features:T6-6061 aluminumStays in Place with its Anti-Rotation and Anti Thrust DesignCompatible: SHO..

AR-15 Custom Made Pistol Buffer Tube Cerakote Pink

Features:T6-6061 aluminumStays in Place with its Anti-Rotation and Anti Thrust DesignCompatible: SHO..

AR-15 Custom Made Pistol Buffer Tube Cerakote Red

Features:T6-6061 aluminumStays in Place with its Anti-Rotation and Anti Thrust DesignCompatible: SHO..

AR-15 Custom Made Pistol Buffer Tube Cerakote Robins Egg

Features:T6-6061 aluminumStays in Place with its Anti-Rotation and Anti Thrust DesignCompatible: SHO..

AR-15 Custom Made Pistol Buffer Tube Cerakote White

Features:T6-6061 aluminumStays in Place with its Anti-Rotation and Anti Thrust DesignCompatible: SHO..

AR-15 Custom Made Pistol Buffer Tube Cerakote Zombie Green

Features:T6-6061 aluminumStays in Place with its Anti-Rotation and Anti Thrust DesignCompatible: SHO..

CERAKOTE GRADIENT BRIGHT WHITE | AR-15 Custom Made Pistol Buffer Tube

Features:T6-6061 aluminumStays in Place with its Anti-Rotation and Anti Thrust DesignCompatible: SHO..

CERAKOTE GRADIENT GOLD | AR-15 Custom Made Pistol Buffer Tube

Features:T6-6061 aluminumStays in Place with its Anti-Rotation and Anti Thrust DesignCompatible: SHO..

CERAKOTE GRADIENT HUNTER ORANGE | AR-15 Custom Made Pistol Buffer Tube

Features:T6-6061 aluminumStays in Place with its Anti-Rotation and Anti Thrust DesignCompatible: SHO..

CERAKOTE GRADIENT PINK | AR-15 Custom Made Pistol Buffer Tube

Features:T6-6061 aluminumStays in Place with its Anti-Rotation and Anti Thrust DesignCompatible: SHO..

CERAKOTE GRADIENT RED | AR-15 Custom Made Pistol Buffer Tube

Features:T6-6061 aluminumStays in Place with its Anti-Rotation and Anti Thrust DesignCompatible: SHO..

CERAKOTE GRADIENT ROBINS EGG | AR-15 Custom Made Pistol Buffer Tube

Features:T6-6061 aluminumStays in Place with its Anti-Rotation and Anti Thrust DesignCompatible: SHO..


Our fixed position Mil-Spec Pistol buffer tube/receiver extension is made of durable CNC machined T6..

Cerakote Splatter| AR- Pistol Buffer Tube - Base Sniper Gray- Pattern- Red- Pink- Robins Egg

Features:AR- Pistol Buffer TubeHigh quality aircraft grade aluminumCNC precision machinedHas machine..

AR-15 Pistol Buffer Tube

Our fixed position Mil-Spec Pistol buffer tube/receiver extension is made of durable CNC machined T6..

AR-15 Pistol Buffer Tube -TAN Color

Our fixed position Mil-Spec Pistol buffer tube/receiver extension is made of durable CNC machined T6..

AR-15 Pistol Buffer Tube- Cerakote Burnt Bronze

Our fixed position Mil-Spec Pistol buffer tube/receiver extension is made of durable CNC machined T6..

AR-15 Pistol Buffer Tube- Cerakote Lemon Zest

Our fixed position Mil-Spec Pistol buffer tube/receiver extension is made of durable CNC machined T6..

AR-15 Pistol Buffer Tube- Cerakote Orange

Our fixed position Mil-Spec Pistol buffer tube/receiver extension is made of durable CNC machined T6..

AR-15 Pistol Buffer Tube- Cerakote White

Our fixed position Mil-Spec Pistol buffer tube/receiver extension is made of durable CNC machined T6..

AR-15 Pistol Buffer Tube- Cerakote Zombie Green

Our fixed position Mil-Spec Pistol buffer tube/receiver extension is made of durable CNC machined T6..

AR-15 Pistol Buffer Tube- Cerakote FDE

Our fixed position Mil-Spec Pistol buffer tube/receiver extension is made of durable CNC machined T6..

AR-15 Pistol Buffer Tube- Cerakote OD Green

Our fixed position Mil-Spec Pistol buffer tube/receiver extension is made of durable CNC machined T6..

AR-15 Pistol Buffer Tube- Cerakote Sniper Gray

Our fixed position Mil-Spec Pistol buffer tube/receiver extension is made of durable CNC machined T6..

AR-15 Pistol Buffer Tube- Cerakote Robins Egg

Our fixed position Mil-Spec Pistol buffer tube/receiver extension is made of durable CNC machined T6..

AR-15 Pistol Buffer Tube- Cerakote Red

Our fixed position Mil-Spec Pistol buffer tube/receiver extension is made of durable CNC machined T6..

AR-15 Pistol Buffer Tube- Cerakote Pink

Our fixed position Mil-Spec Pistol buffer tube/receiver extension is made of durable CNC machined T6..

AR-15 Pistol Stock Buffer Tube Foam

This extended length 5.5" foam pad fits standard AR-15 Pistol build buffer tubes. It's made of high ..

AR-15 Pistol Stock Buffer Tube Foam Pad Cover-Short

This short 3.5" textured foam pad fits standard AR-15 Pistol build buffer tubes. It's made of high q..

AR15 Stock Buffer Tube -Mil-Spec -6 Positions

This is our standard 6-Position Mil-Spec buffer tube/receiver extension. It's made of durable CNC ma..

AR-15 Stock Buffer Tube Mil Spec -TAN Color

This is our standard 6-Position Mil-Spec buffer tube/receiver extension. It's made of durable CN..

AR15 Stock Buffer Tube -Mil-Spec -6 Positions - Cerakote Bright White

This is our standard 6-Position Mil-Spec buffer tube/receiver extension. It's made of durable CNC ma..

AR15 Stock Buffer Tube -Mil-Spec -6 Positions - Cerakote Burnt Bronze

This is our standard 6-Position Mil-Spec buffer tube/receiver extension. It's made of durable CNC ma..

AR15 Stock Buffer Tube -Mil-Spec -6 Positions - Cerakote FDE

This is our standard 6-Position Mil-Spec buffer tube/receiver extension. It's made of durable CNC ma..

AR15 Stock Buffer Tube -Mil-Spec -6 Positions - Cerakote Hunter Orange

This is our standard 6-Position Mil-Spec buffer tube/receiver extension. It's made of durable CNC ma..

AR15 Stock Buffer Tube -Mil-Spec -6 Positions - Cerakote Lemon Zest

This is our standard 6-Position Mil-Spec buffer tube/receiver extension. It's made of durable CNC ma..

AR15 Stock Buffer Tube -Mil-Spec -6 Positions - Cerakote OD Green

This is our standard 6-Position Mil-Spec buffer tube/receiver extension. It's made of durable CNC ma..

AR15 Stock Buffer Tube -Mil-Spec -6 Positions - Cerakote Robins Egg

This is our standard 6-Position Mil-Spec buffer tube/receiver extension. It's made of durable CNC ma..

AR15 Stock Buffer Tube -Mil-Spec -6 Positions - Cerakote Zombie Green

This is our standard 6-Position Mil-Spec buffer tube/receiver extension. It's made of durable CNC ma..

AR15 Stock Buffer Tube -Mil-Spec -6 Positions - Cerakote Red

This is our standard 6-Position Mil-Spec buffer tube/receiver extension. It's made of durable CNC ma..

AR15 Stock Buffer Tube -Mil-Spec -6 Positions - Cerakote Pink

This is our standard 6-Position Mil-Spec buffer tube/receiver extension. It's made of durable CNC ma..

AR-15 Stock Buffer Tube -Mil Spec-U Cut W/Buffer Castle Nut

This is our standard 6-Position Mil-Spec buffer tube/receiver extension. It's made of durable CN..

AR-15 Stock Buffer Tube -Commercial -Light Weight(All Sales Are Final. No refunds or Exchanges)

**All Sales Are Final. No Refunds or Exchanges**This is our standard 6-Position Commercial spec buff..

AR-15 Stock Buffer Tube -Commerical

This is our standard 6-Position Commercial spec buffer tube/receiver extension. It's made of durable..

AR-15 Stock Buffer Tube BLEMISH -Commercial -Light Weight(All Sales Are Final. No refunds or Exchanges)

**All Sales Are Final. No Refunds or Exchanges**This is our standard 6-Position Commercial spec buff..

AR-15 Rifle Length Buffer Tube

This fixed Mil-Spec buffer tube is made of durable T6-6061 aluminum and is designed to fit any A1/A2..